Referendum on Wells Neighbourhood Plan

We’d like to thank Jane and Christine , Sustainable Wells readers and supporters who both wrote in with a question about next week’s referendum on the proposed neighbourhood plan.

We know that there are many views about neighbourhood plans but thought we would ask Adrian, who is a Sustainable Wells supporter and has been involved in the process, to give us a steer.

1. This short note is to alert members and supporters of Sustainable Wells to the key elements of Wells Neighbourhood Plan which is the subject of a Referendum on the 25 th of January 2024 with the question being:

Do you want Somerset Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Wells to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?

2. The concept of “sustainable development” runs as a thread throughout the Plan and it is difficult to entangle it in a short note. This note is simply intended to focus on key elements of the Plan.

3. The Plan sets out policies which will be used by Somerset Council when they determine planning applications before them. It also includes projects which indicate ways in which Wells City Council can work with other bodies (mainly Somerset Council) to activate the aspirations set out in the Plan.

4. The Housing section of the Plan is based on a Housing Needs Assessment for Wells. It includes policies which ensure housing is provided to

  • meet the diverse needs of the population across age-groups and their ability to afford somewhere to live

  • is attractive in terms of design of good quality and appropriate to its setting

  • is limited in terms of energy use and carbon dioxide emissions in its construction and future living.

5. The Transport section of the Plan (Moving Around) includes a Transport Plan which identifies junctions in Wells which could be improved to provide better access for cyclists and pedestrians. Projects highlight the need for traffic calming on the High Street (Project 5), better sign posting and car parking (Project 6) and an improved bus service (Project 7).

6. The aims, objectives, policies and projects in the Environmental section are set out below.

The Plan was assessed by an Independent Examiner who investigated the list of 41 Local Green Spaces which were given an element of protection in the Plan. As a result, 5 LGSs were excluded and 9 were re-designated as Open and Recreation Spaces.
The Assessments with photos of the Spaces are now set out in Appendix 4 with the plans in Appendix 5 and can be found in the Wells City Council’s website

The protection of these Spaces is incorporated in policy ENV3.

Policy ENV1 sets out 4 “View Cones” within which development proposals will only be supported where they do not compromise the areas which exemplify their special landscape character.

Policy ENV2 includes detailed protection for biodiversity, geodiversity and habitat as defined in the Wells Nature Recovery Network.

The associated Projects (9 and 10) set out expectations that Wells City Council will

  • work with neighbouring parish councils as regards developments that may impact the environment beyond their respective boundaries and

  • develop projects to restore wildlife in the streams and waterways in the city, enhance biodiversity in parks, allotments, cemeteries, school grounds, public spaces and verges.

7. The information above, simply highlights some of the areas of interest within the Plan – which you can, of course, read in full on the WCC website – just under 100 pages excluding the appendices!

Please vote!


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